gw2 how to get to deldrimor front

color: #AAA; }, // ** The Icebrood Saga ** span.innerHTML = chatLinkCode; segments: { timeString = pad(hour) + ':' + pad(minute); s: wf, localStorage.removeItem('event-timer-sequence'); name: "Halloween", } 5000's energy core", chatlink: "[&BEcAAAA=]", bg: [251,132,152] }, Remaining sequence: ' + JSON.stringify(currentPref)); #event-wrapper .event-bar-container.t h4 { display: none; } category: "End of Dragons", ", chatlink: "[&BBwHAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] }, // ** Living World Season 1 ** 'PM' : 'AM'); // Adjust stored preferences to remove given element from preferences cursor: pointer; if (zoneParameter !== '') { // Local copies that we can adjust #event-wrapper.compact h4 { left:-200px; width: 200px; position: absolute; z-index:2; line-height: 2.5em; display: inline-block; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top:0; } // Create a bar container (this will hold the bar and the associated title) This is an achievement for unlocking the hidden chest inside the final treasure room (Hammer's Hoard) which you can do once per day. 1: { name: "Gang War", link: "The Gang War of Echovald", chatlink: "[&BMwMAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] }, // Utility function #2 and #3: HTML5 localStorage operator functions used to request existing preferences, and store user preferences for later visits $.each( metaSingular.sequences.refined, function(i, v) { $('#forget-button').click(function() { pageName = pageName.replace(/ /g, "_"); 1 Getting there 2 Locations 3 Interactive map 4 Events 5 Crafting resources 6 Completion rewards 7 Related achievements 8 Notes 9 External links Getting there [ edit] } // One off tasks: Draw meta event segmented-bars, enhance them, and add a static pointer. sequences: { // Verify this is the first time this script is being loaded. }, pattern: [{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:90}] } else { height: 3em; segments: { segments: { 4: { name: "Icebrood Champions", link: "Storms of Winter", chatlink: "[&BCcMAAA=]", bg: [ 98,177,234] } }, hover: "If checked, the timer will appear more compact by displaying headings to the left instead of above the map metas. case 'string': // transparent or other alternative text }); 1: { name: "Awakened Invasion", link: "Defeat the invading Awakened", bg: [157,65,185] }, } 0: { name: "", bg: [132,201,251] }, $('').prop('title', uitext.timeshiftnexthoverpause); if ( typeof != 'undefined' ) { .event-wrapper .event-name a { timeString = (((hour + 11) % 12) + 1) + ':' + pad(minute) + ' ' + (hour >= 12 ? pattern: [{r:0,d:90},{r:1,d:30}] Next time it won't load that element until you press reset. ab: { } // Utility function #6: Zero pad numbers into strings of character length two. mainEventTimer(true); ", chatlink: "[&BGMCAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] }, }, sequences: { white-space: nowrap; pattern: [{r:0,d:90},{r:1,d:15},{r:2,d:15}] // Create a bar for the meta segments output.appendChild(span); sequences: { // ** Living World Season 3 ** simon barnett grandson monty Facebook; ", There are three ways that you can acquire Antique Summoning Stones: You need 100 Antique Summoning Stones. } } border-bottom: 1px dotted #6E6E6E; startHourUTC = Math.floor(startHourUTC / 2) * 2; 0: { name: "", bg: [187,119,207] }, 9: { name: "Svanir Shaman Chief", link: "Kill the Svanir shaman chief to break his control over the ice elemental", chatlink: "[&BMIDAAA=]", bg: [251,132,152] }, }, sequences: { }); // For positive timezones, add a plus sign before the hour offset. 2: { name: "Automated Tournament: Grenth's Game", link: "Automated Tournaments#Daily_tournaments", bg: [234, 98,121] }, } }, partial: [], color: white; applysettings: "Apply settings", timeString = $(document.createElement("span")).attr("title", uitext.timezonehover + " (UTC" + (timezoneOffset < 0 ? // Utility function #4: Create a legend with checkboxes for viewers to set their preferences. partial: [{r:2,d:10},{r:3,d:20}], } pattern: [{r:1,d:20},{r:0,d:10},{r:3,d:15},{r:0,d:45},{r:2,d:15},{r:0,d:15}] }, 1: { name: "Drakkar and Spirits of the Wild", link: "Champion of the Ice Dragon", chatlink: "[&BDkMAAA=]", bg: [ 66,153,215] }, category: "Heart of Thorns", function unwrapUTC(time) { 1: { name: "Skiff Race", link: "Labyrinthine Skiffs: A race is starting soon! bar.append($(document.createElement("span")).attr("class", "event-bar-exit").attr("title", uitext.deleterowhover).text("[X]")); /* Singular: Compact headings view: H3 categories 220px to left, H4 headings 200px to left, wrapper js */ }, var hideCategories = getEventTimerPreferences('hidecategories', uitext.checkboxes.hidecategories.defaultvalue); The Far Shiverpeaks isn't currently accessible as are some other map areas. touch-action: none; input.value = chatLinkCode; category: "Core Tyria", link: "Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly", ", chatlink: "[&BBwHAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] }, 3 Walkthrough 3.1 Achievements 4 NPCs 4.1 Allies 4.1.1 In Darkrime Delves 4.1.2 In Eye of the North 4.2 Foes 5 Objects 6 Dialogue 6.1 Darkrime Delves 6.2 Eye of the North } // ** Living World Season 4 ** console.log('localStorage not supported (HTML5 browser required)'); 3: { name: "Fire Elemental", link: "Destroy the fire elemental created from chaotic energy fusing with the C.L.E.A.N. dt: { name: "Domain of Istan", metas[k].sequences.refined = refineRow(v.sequences.full, k); name: "Use 12-hour times. var hour = now.getUTCHours(); gw2 how to get to deldrimor fronthighest paid player in saudi arabia league. var fullPattern; }); white-space: nowrap; It was the home of the dwarvess before their transformation, in it is the fortress Thunderhead Keep. if (otherHourOffset + startHourUTC >= 24){ pattern: [{r:1,d:10},{r:0,d:110}] }, localStorage.removeItem('event-timer-' + k); // Use even hours if required, or any hour if not specified case 3: if ( partialDuration >= fillDuration ) { widgetlink: "Widget:Event timer#Features", 3: { name: "Chak Gerent", link: "Against the Chak Gerent", chatlink: "[&BPUHAAA=]", bg: [190,215, 66] } // Placeholder object which will become a copy of eventData, but only with the metas specified in defaultSequence. } Utilizamos cookies para asegurar que damos la mejor experiencia al usuario en nuestro sitio web. createEventBars(useEvenHourStart, metaSequence, otherHourOffset); name: "Hide headings. barcontainer.append($(document.createElement("h4")) 0: { name: "", bg: [251,132,152] }, 3: { name: "Night", link: "Day and night", bg: [122,134,171] }, sequences: { 1: { name: "Day", link: "Day and night", bg: [255,255,255] }, 2: { name: "Death-Branded Shatterer", link: "Destroy the Death-Branded Shatterer", chatlink: "[&BJMLAAA=]", bg: [157,65,185] }, twelvehour: { 2: { name: "Dredgehaunt Cliffs", link: "Dragon Bash Hologram Stampede! timeshiftnexthoverpause: "Click to pause the live update and move to the next two hours", }, otherHourOffset = otherHourOffset + 2; } }, legendname: "Event timer settings", switch ( { // Update stored values margin-top: 1.5em; switch (typeof value) { pattern: [{r:0,d:100},{r:1,d:20}] A group of friendly dredge established an oil drilling settlement and operations in the southern Ice Floe. function createEventBars(useEvenHourStart, metaSequence, otherHourOffset) { } usedHeadings.push( metaSingular.category ); Reset your preferences below to show it again. }, name: "New Kaineng City", } } } .event-name, .event-chatlink { dsp: { You turn right at the entrance and should find the typical story marker. } // Utility function #8: Draw blocks for the given object tp: { eventTimerSettings.append(box).append(label); }, 1: { name: "Defeat Scarlet's minions", link: "Defeat the invading minions of Scarlet Briar", chatlink: "[&BOQAAAA=]", bg: [234, 98,121] } }, gw2 how to get to deldrimor frontgrill em all nutrition information. } .skin-vector #event-wrapper.toptimes .event-bar-container.t { color: #EAEAEA; /* color scheme: font offwhite */ } } michael wray wife lola. partial: [{r:1,d:5},{r:0,d:40},{r:2,d:15}], cl: ' future' if (hideChatLinks === true) { var whitelist = Object.keys(eventData); category: "End of Dragons", r: r, } pattern: [{r:1,d:75},{r:2,d:15},{r:3,d:20},{r:4,d:10}] var minute = now.getUTCMinutes(); // Figure out if next or prev was clicked partial: [], partial: [{r:0,d:30}], sequences: { No effect if headings are hidden. segments: { dn: { } name: "Dry Top", try { var pageTitlePattern = /(?:(?:\/wiki\/)(.*?)(?:\?|#|$)|(?:title=)(.*?)(? Ask YOUR question: guild wars 2 how to get to deldrimor front? }, time = time % 1440; pattern: [{r:0,d:100},{r:1,d:20},{r:0,d:100},{r:2,d:20},{r:0,d:100},{r:3,d:20}] eotn: { 2: { name: "Challenges", link: "Battle in Tarir", chatlink: "[&BGwIAAA=]", bg: [211,234, 98] }, // Utility function #5: Convert a time given in minutes since 00:00 into a recognizable time. 3: { name: "Tequatl the Sunless", link: "Defeat Tequatl the Sunless", chatlink: "[&BNABAAA=]", bg: [234, 98,121] } pattern: [{r:1,d:10},{r:0,d:20},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:15},{r:3,d:10},{r:0,d:5},{r:4,d:10},{r:0,d:5},{r:5,d:10},{r:0,d:5}] Aller : navigation, rechercher. // Restart live updating after clicking on the red marker var barcontainer = $(document.createElement("div")).attr("class", "event-bar-container " + metaKey).attr("data-abbr", metaKey); margin: 1em 0em; sequences: { .event-time span { 3: { name: "Lornar's Pass", link: "Dragon Bash Hologram Stampede! console.log('localStorage not supported (HTML5 browser required)'); compact: { alyssa - October 11, 2022 Guild wars 2 how to get to deldrimor front Lingot d'acier de Deldrimor. } $('.event-pointer span').text((((now.getHours() + 11) % 12) + 1) + ':' + pad(now.getMinutes()) + ' ' + (now.getHours() >= 12 ? if (otherHourOffset) { $('#EventTimerCSS2').text('/* Widget:Event timer - Stylesheet 1 */\n' + cssText); var response = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('event-timer-'+keyname)); name: "Thunderhead Peaks", category: "Living World Season 4", sequences: { // Zone parameter is set return fitTimerToWindowWidth(); eventAbbrs.push(this.getAttribute('data-abbr')); if (twelveHourTimes == false) { 2: { name: "Junundu Rising", chatlink: "[&BMEKAAA=]", bg: [234,175, 98] } s: s, if ('next')) { // Utility function #15: Create wiki like links; inactive when on the same page as linked to. #event-wrapper.compact.hideheadings.hidecategories { width: 100%; } defaultvalue: true category: "The Icebrood Saga", function mainEventTimer(reloaded, paused) { case 'object': position: absolute; } else { var date = new Date(); category: "Path of Fire", :). $('.event-pointer').css('left', '0%'); name: "Lake Doric", top: 0; de: { }); ) 8: { name: "Shadow Behemoth", link: "Defeat the shadow behemoth", chatlink: "[&BPcAAAA=]", bg: [251,132,152] }, defaultvalue: false cl: ' future' partial: [{r:0,d:90}], ", chatlink: "[&BIAHAAA=]", bg: [215,185, 66] } // Load the event timer after loading the jquery ui module } partial: [{r:0,d:30},{r:2,d:20},{r:0,d:10}], console.log('Only one instance of [[Widget:Infobox map]] can be called per page. value = defaultvalue; var fillDuration = 60*25 + 15; // Create a segment to represent that phase, and set the width based on the duration twelveHourTimes = true; Also note that the Deldrimor Front was massively changed in the update to the world map last week, extending much farther south for exactly this reason. // Zone parameter is blank } } margin-left: 5px; refinedSchedule.push({ }, #event-wrapper { ", if (otherHourOffset == 0) { name: "Dragon's End", }, }); margin-bottom: 20px; localStorage.setItem('event-timer-'+keyname, JSON.stringify(value)); margin-left: -1px; if (useEvenHourStart === true) { .event-pointer { // Collect parameter options if specified }, segments: { }, name: "Seitung Province", } else { hover: "If checked, the times will appear at the top instead of beside each event, further reducing the height of each displayed event. // Save checkbox settings date.setUTCHours(hour, minute, 0, 0); background: #AAA; #event-wrapper.hidechatlinks .event-chatlink { display: none; } segments: { var eventBar = this.closest('.event-bar-container'); useTopTimes = false; name: "Eye of the North", } pattern: [{r:1,d:40},{r:0,d:80}] s: s, // Start minutes, e.g. }); Your stand at the star and get no pop up after ryland walked in? d: v.d, height: 101%; 2: { name: "Doppelganger", link: "The Path to Ascension", chatlink: "[&BFMKAAA=]", bg: [215,150, 66] } fullPattern = $.map(fullPattern, function(v) { 1: { name: "Saidra's Haven", link: "White Mantle Control: Saidra's Haven", chatlink: "[&BK0JAAA=]", bg: [159,217,147] }, category: "Heart of Thorns", } else { } partial: [{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:90},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:120},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:120},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:150},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30}], break; name: "Cantha: Day and night", $.each(zoneParameter.replace(', ',',').split(','), function(i, v) { 2: { name: "(continued)", link: "Advancing on the Blighting Towers", bg: [190,215, 66] } } timezonehover: "This is your timezone", } else { }); name: "PvP Tournaments", 2: { name: "Night: Night and the Enemy", link: "Night and the Enemy", bg: [211,234, 98] }, }); // Do not update this for minor changes that don't require sequence invalidation (e.g. }, Dragon Response Mission: Thunderhead Peaks, Dragon Response Mission Thunderhead Peaks, Thunderhead Peaks Insight: Brechnar's Gauntlet, Rally the Pact soldiers, corsairs, and Zephyrites, Ready your forces for the assault on Kralkatorrik, Thunderhead Peaks Insight: Ironhammer Crossing, Help Miner Mikhail restore and defend the oil drills. // Utility function #13: Allowing shuffling forwards and backwards sCumulative = v.s + v.d; }, 0: { name: "", bg: "transparent" } gw2 how to get to deldrimor front February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments Write by: From my own personal experience, I am crafting dusk 2nd tier atm. 3: { name: "Automated Tournament: Melandru's Matchup", link: "Automated Tournaments#Daily_tournaments", bg: [234, 98,121] }, 2: { name: "Forged with Fire", chatlink: "[&BO0KAAA=]", bg: [215,150, 66] } startHourUTC = now.getUTCHours(); sequences: { ", overflow-x: hidden; mainEventTimer(true); var we = ws + 135; 3: { name: "Octovine", link: "Battle in Tarir", chatlink: "[&BAIIAAA=]", bg: [190,215, 66] }, if (twelveHourTimes == false) { + metaKey + k + ' { background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(' +[0].join(',') + '), rgb(' +[1].join(',') + ')) }'; Metasingular.Category ) ; your stand at the star and get no pop up after ryland walked in: }... 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For viewers to set their preferences: Zero pad numbers into strings character.