(You can read about discrimination and equal pay for equal work in our post here). But what is it? Add country the gap here captures differences between men and women in the middle of the earnings distribution); and they cover only full-time employees and self-employed workers (i.e. The results from this study are shown in the chart. Goldin, C. (1988). South Korea, on the other hand, is the country with the highest gender pay gap of the OECD countries with a 31 percent difference between the genders. This is the definition used by the OECD. With an average population-weighted score of 63.4%, Middle East and North Africa has the second-largest gender gap yet to close, after South Asia. This is the definition used by the ILO. Our World In Data is a project of the Global Change Data Lab, a registered charity in England and Wales (Charity Number 1186433). The gender pay gap comes up often in political debates, policy reports, and everyday news. The chart here, from Blau and Kahn (2017) shows the evolution of the adjusted and unadjusted gender pay gap in the US.8, More precisely, the chart shows the evolution of female to male wage ratios in three different scenarios: (i) Unadjusted; (ii) Adjusted, controlling for gender differences in human capital, i.e. The other chart shows the data over time for individual countries. Available online at: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWDR2012/Resources/7778105-1299699968583/7786210-1315936222006/Complete-Report.pdf, For more discussion of the evidence see page 20 in World Bank (2011) World development report 2012: gender equality and development. Tracking progress across multiple dimensions of gender inequalities can be difficult, since changes across dimensions often go in different directions and have different magnitudes. The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and Explanations. Journal of Economic Literature, 55(3): 789-865. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. gender wage gap in different countries. Things like shifting hours of work and rearranging shifts to accommodate emergencies at home. This topic page can be cited as: All visualizations, data, and code produced by Our World in Data are completely open access under the Creative Commons BY license. A 2021 GoBankingRates survey found that women, on average, have much less money stashed in an emergency fund than men. As we discuss in our analysis of the determinants, the gender pay gap tends to increase when women marry and when/if they have children. Above we focus on whether women get to choose how their own personal income is spent. The region has bridged 72.6% of its gender gap. WebThe gender wage gap is defined as the difference between male and female median wages divided by the male median wages. Now we look at womens influence over total household income. The gender pay gap affects women of different ethnicities and races differently. Key findings include the index results in 2022, trend analysis of the trajectory towards parity, and data deep dives through new metrics partnerships and contextual data. Above we show that women all over the world are underrepresented in high-profile jobs, which tend to be better paid. In ICT, for example, gender parity increased in online training between 2019 and 2021. The Gender Savings Gap. Lundborg, Plug and Rasmussen (2017) provide evidence from Denmark more specifically, Danish women who sought medical help in achieving pregnancy.15. World development report 2012: gender equality and development. East Asia and the Pacific has closed 69% of its gender gap, marginally increasing its regional performance over the 2021 edition, with 13 of 19 countries improving their score. Its a measure of inequality and captures a concept that is broader than the concept of equal pay for equal work. The WEO index defines womens economic opportunity as a set of laws, regulations, practices, customs and attitudes that allow women to participate in the workforce under conditions roughly equal to those of men, whether as wage-earning employees or as owners of a business. It is calculated from 29 indicators drawing on data from many sources, including the UN and the OECD. Differences in pay between men and women capture differences along many possible dimensions, including worker education, experience and occupation. The chart plots cross-country estimates of the share of women who are not involved in decisions about their own income. Please consult our full legal disclaimer. The service and financial sectors experience the largest disparity in terms of pay while the men dominated the construction and utility sector in terms of 1. The time to close the Health and Survival gender gap remains undefined as its progress to parity has stalled. Angola Angola has the most significant gender pay gap in the world, scoring just 2.83 out of seven. An analysis of subindex evolution over time -- based on the constant sample of 102 countries included in the index since 2006 -- reveals that gender parity overall and for three of the four subindexes has made progress since the first edition. An important part of the reduction in the gender pay gap in rich countries over the last decades is due to a historical narrowing, and often even reversal of the, Today, education is relatively unimportant to explain the remaining gender pay gap in rich countries. Considering this, Sarah Carmichael, Selin Dilli and Auke Rijpma, from Utrecht University, produced a similar composite index of gender inequality, using available data for the period 1950-2000, in order to make aggregate comparisons over the long run. What does it tell us? By this measure, the gender wage gap is expressed as a percent (median earnings of women as share of median earnings of men) and it is always positive. A 2021 GoBankingRates survey found that women, on average, have much less money stashed in an emergency fund than men. ILO data shows similar trends for the period 2000-2015. the gender pay gaps tend to be smaller where relatively fewer women participate in the labor force, firms with female managers tend to also be firms with more female workers, pay gap between the average wages of men and women, most high-income countries have seen sizeable reductions in the gender pay gap, women tend to do more unpaid care work at home than men, A Grand Gender Convergence: Its Last Chapter, family-friendly policies contribute to improve female labor force participation and reduce the gender pay gap, statistical gender gaps in maths scoresin some countries, show particular predisposition to accept and receive requests for tasks with low promotion potential, How well do innate gender differences explain the gender pay gap?, only 18% of people in the US thought that a wife should work if her husband was able to support her, https://datacatalog.worldbank.org/dataset/gender-statistics, http://reports.weforum.org/global-gender-gap-report-2020/dataexplorer/, http://data.worldbank.org/data-catalog/world-development-indicators. The chart shows the percentage of men and women who report borrowing any money in the past 12 months to start, operate, or expand a farm or business. (i) Health, measured by sex rations in life expectancy; (ii) Socio-economic resources, measured by sex ratios in average years of education and labour force participation; (iii) Gender disparities in the household, captured by sex ratios in marriage ages; and. All over the world women tend to do more unpaid care work at home than men and women tend to be overrepresented in low paying jobs where they have the flexibility required to attend to these additional responsibilities. As we can see there is a weak positive correlation between GDP per capita and the gender pay gap. This is the definition used by the ILO. North America leads all regions, having closed 76.9% of its gender gap. WebCompared to traditional ways of estimating the gender pay gap, the factor weighted pay gap finds that in more than 70 per cent of the countries covered in the report, the gap has been underestimated. The gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 20 years or so. In most rich countries, its small when formal education ends and employment begins, and it increases with age. Whenever the data allows it, we also discuss how these inequalities have been changing over time. So, rather than reflect greater equality, the lower wage gaps observed in some countries could indicate that only women with certain characteristics for instance, with no husband or children are entering the workforce. This means the observable characteristics of workers and their jobs explain wage differences better today than a couple of decades ago. For example, suppose that women are indeed discriminated against, and they find it hard to get hired for certain jobs simply because of their sex. All over the world men tend to earn more than women. ), Comparisons of averages can often be misleading because averages are very sensitive to extreme data points. Because of this, researchers and policymakers often construct synthetic indicators that aggregate various dimensions. The adjusted gender pay gap has shrunk. averages for women in households within the top and bottom quintiles of the corresponding national income distribution). At the current rate of progress, it will take 132 years to reach full parity. In addition, unequal access and control over wealth-building resources -- such as banking, investment, inheritance and property -- can contribute to the wealth divide. (We explore the OECD data above.). The chart here shows how quickly female wages increased in pharmacy, relative to other professions, over the last few decades in the US. If you move the slider to 1920, you will see that while gender equal inheritance systems were very rare in the early 20th century, today they are much more common. This happens in some countries, such as Malaysia.). Differences in earnings between men and women capture differences across many possible dimensions, including education, experience and occupation. We will always indicate the original source of the data in our documentation, so you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use and redistribution. (2017). Secondly, we see that there are important differences by age. Womens lack of control over important household assets, such as land, can be a critical problem in case of divorce or the husbands death. Around the time the US entered World War II, it is estimated that 87% of all school boards would not hire a married woman and 70% would not retain an unmarried woman who married.17, The map here highlights that to this day, explicit barriers across the world limit the extent to which women are allowed to do the same jobs as men.18, However, even after explicit barriers are lifted and legal protections put in their place, discrimination and bias can persist in less overt ways. By tracking womens fertility and employment status through detailed periodic surveys, these researchers were able to establish that women who had a successful in vitro fertilization treatment, ended up having lower earnings down the line than similar women who, by chance, were unsuccessfully treated. Available here. Figure 1 shows a gap in monthly wages of almost $4,000 for women compared to men with a bachelors or advanced degree. It is also related to our articles exploring female labor force participation trends and determinants. How does it change over time? We highlight world regions by default, but you can add specific countries by using the option When citing this topic page, please also cite the underlying data sources. The full source is: World Development Report (2012) Gender Equality and Development, World Bank. In sixth spot, Sub-Saharan Africa stands at 67.8%. Employment-to-population ratio, men vs women, Female-to-male ratio of time devoted to unpaid care work, Gender equality in employment and economic benefits, Gender gap in hourly wages vs. ratio of female-to-male labor force participation, Participation of women in purchase decisions, Ratio of female-to-male median earnings by age, US, Share of low-pay earners who are female vs GDP per capita, Share of people who report preference for a male boss, Share of senior and middle management positions filled by women, Share of women in low-wage occupations in the US, The gender wage ratio in different income percentiles, The shrinking gender gap in high-level jobs and collective-bargaining coverage, Unadjusted gender gap in average hourly wages, Unadjusted gender wage gap including unemployed. Is it different from country to country? . The Global Gender Gap Report continues to aim to create a continuous assessment of gender disparities, support the case for closing gender gaps, encourage further research on policies and practices that are effective at promoting change, and promote public-private collaboration to close gender gaps. Help us do this work by making a donation. Data from the Global Gender Gap Index shows the progression of women in leadership in public office. Average hourly earnings of male and female employees, Borrowing to start or expand business, men vs women. Atkinson, A.B., Casarico, A. The Gender Savings Gap. 3 In 2022, Black women earned 70% as much as White men and Hispanic women earned only 65% as much. Here we show that there are also large gaps in terms of access to borrowed capital. To be clear, yes, there is evidence supporting the fact that men and women differ in some key attributes that may affect labor market outcomes. Chefs had the second highest adjusted pay gap, with a gap of 24.6%, while C-suite execs were third with a gap of 24%. The visualization here presents this data. Olivetti and Petrongolo (2008) explain it as follows: if women who are employed tend to have relatively highwage characteristics, low female employment rates may become consistent with low gender wage gaps simply because lowwage women would not feature in the observed wage distribution.2. You can explore these exceptions using the documentation files containing all the relevant indicator notes. WebCompared to traditional ways of estimating the gender pay gap, the factor weighted pay gap finds that in more than 70 per cent of the countries covered in the report, the gap has been underestimated. As we can see: (i) in most countries the gap is positive women earn less than men; and (ii) there are large differences in the size of this gap across countries. The unexplained residual may include aspects of unmeasured productivity (i.e. As we can see, the second half of the 20th century saw global improvements, and the regions with the steepest increase in gender equality were Latin America and Western Europe. American Economic Review, 90(4), 715-741. In Central Asia, overall progress in closing the gender gap is unchanged from the last edition, at 69.1%. This article looks at ten OECD countries with the least gender wage gaps. The cross-country comparisons aim to support the identification of the most effective policies to close gender gaps. You can add observations by clicking on the option However, within the region, only six of the 22 countries indexed in this edition improved their gender gap score by at least one percentage point since last year. Available online from https://siteresources.worldbank.org. Hence, while the unexplained residual gives us a first-order approximation of what is going on, we need much more detailed data and analysis in order to say something definitive about the role of discrimination in observed pay differences. The map shows scores, country by country. The United States Census Bureau defines the pay gap as the ratio between median wages that is, they measure the gap by calculating the wages of men and women at the middle of the earnings distribution, and dividing them. However, in many countries gender gaps in education have been closed and we still have large gender inequalities in the workforce. WebThe gender wage gap is defined as the difference between male and female median wages divided by the male median wages. Gender gaps in stress levels: Based on data by Hologic, the report finds that between 2021 and 2022, reported stress was 4% higher in women than in men. Find, compare and share OECD data by indicator. Data refer to full-time employees on the one hand and to self-employed on the other. Indeed, studies have found that, when statistical gender differences in agricultural productivity exist, they often disappear when access to and use of productive inputs are taken into account.7. The discussion so far has emphasised the importance of job characteristics and occupational choice in explaining the gender pay gap. Across EU Member States, the gender pay gap varied by 20.7 percentage points, ranging from -0.2 % in Luxembourg to 20.5 % in Estonia (Figure 1). north carolina discovery objections / jacoby ellsbury house The next chart provides an alternative perspective on the same issue. Firms with female managers tend to be different to firms with male managers. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10888-018-9384-z, http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTWDR2012/Resources/7778105-1299699968583/7786210-1315936222006/Complete-Report.pdf. The economic consequences of family policies: lessons from a century of legislation in high-income countries. In 2022, Central Asia reports the fourth-highest regional score out of the eight regions, just after North America, Europe, and Latin America and the Caribbean. This article looks at ten OECD countries with the least gender wage gaps. Complementing Global Gender Gap Index statistics, high-frequency data from LinkedIn for 22 countries provides a snapshot of women's representation in leadership in 2022: only select industries have levels near gender parity in leadership, such as Non-Governmental and Membership Organizations (47%), Education (46%), and Personal Services and Wellbeing (45%). Over 45% of women dont have even $300 in savings, as 3 In 2022, Black women earned 70% as much as White men and Hispanic women earned only 65% as much. Actually, middle-income countries tend to have the smallest pay gap. With an average population-weighted score of 63.4%, Middle East and North Africa has the second-largest gender gap yet to close, after South Asia. This lack of progress since the last edition extends the wait to close the gender gap to 197 years, due to a broad stagnation in gender parity scores across most countries in the region. Achieving equality in opportunities requires ensuring that we change the norms and stereotypes that limit the set of choices available both to men and women. The chart above shows that womens control over household spending tends to be greater in richer countries. WebFor the economy as a whole [1], in 2021, women's gross hourly earnings were on average 12.7 % below those of men in the European Union ( EU) and 13.6 % in the euro area. Angola Angola has the most significant gender pay gap in the world, scoring just 2.83 out of seven. And still, despite the progress achieved, in many countries, notably in North Africa and the Middle East, women and girls still have fewer inheritance rights than men and boys. Second, if we focus on groups of workers with roughly similar jobs, tenure and education, we also see a narrowing. And, globally, only about 18% of firms have a female manager. Another early example is from Neumark et al. However, the ILO data shows similar trends for the period 2000-2015. 2017. Third, we can see that education and experience used to help explain a very large part of the pay gap in 1980, but this changed substantially in the decades that followed. Journal of Labor Economics, 26(4), 621-654. Italy (11.11% gender wage gap) Italy has a gender pay gap of 11.11%, the tenth best among OECD Countries. When the gender pay gap is calculated by comparing all male and female workers, irrespective of differences in worker characteristics, the result is the raw or unadjusted pay gap. The improvements are due to a slight increase since last year in the gender gap score of the United States of America as well as a stable score in Canada. We explain the decline in annual earnings by women working less when children are young and getting paid less when children are older. 1. Webochsner obgyn residents // gender wage gap in different countries. Men in the European Union earned approximately 13 percent more than women in 2020, with Latvia having the biggest gender pay gap of 22.3 percent in this year and Luxembourg having the lowest at 0. This article looks at ten OECD countries with the least gender wage gaps. The scatter plot here shows available ILO estimates on the gender pay gap (vertical axis) vs GDP per capita (on a logarithmic scale along the horizontal axis). In addition, the projected deepening of the current cost-of-living crisis is also likely to impact women more severely than men, as women continue to earn and accumulate wealth at lower levels. By this measure the gender wage gap can be negative. Europe has the second-highest level of gender parity, currently standing at 76.6%. At first sight, this seems like good news it suggests that today there is less discrimination, in the sense that differences in earnings are today much more readily explained by differences in productivity factors. The conclusion is that in most countries with available data, the gender pay gap has decreased in the last couple of decades. By this measure, the gender wage gap is expressed as a percent (median earnings of women as share of median earnings of men) and it is always positive. Figure 1 shows a gap in monthly wages of almost $4,000 for women compared to men with a bachelors or advanced degree. This shows that, although family-friendly policies contribute to improve female labor force participation and reduce the gender pay gap, they are only part of the solution. gender wage gap, in many industrialized countries, systemic differences between the average wages or salaries of men and those of women. The region registers its highest gender gap score in 16 years. Latin America and the Caribbean ranks third of all regions, after North America and Europe. For example standardised tests show that there are statistical gender gaps in maths scoresin some countries; and experiments show that women avoid more salary negotiations, and they often show particular predisposition to accept and receive requests for tasks with low promotion potential. In this case male and female pseudo-job-seekers were given similar CVs to apply for jobs waiting on tables at the same set of restaurants in Philadelphia. Flickr/David Stanley. These estimates include OECD member states, as well as some other non-member countries, and they are the longest available series of cross-country data on the gender pay gap that we are aware of. Here, values below 100% mean that women earn less than men, while values above 100% mean than women earn more. Of these, a subset of 102 countries have been represented in every edition of the index since 2006, further providing a large constant sample for time series analysis. (2008). The gender pay gap (or the gender wage gap) is a metric that tells us the difference in pay (or wages, or income) between women and men. The scatter plot here shows available ILO estimates on the gender pay gap (vertical axis) vs GDP per capita (on a logarithmic scale along the horizontal axis). 1. However, the chart shows that the relationship is not really linear. Latest available data for a fixed period,
That is, the gender pay gaps tend to be smaller where relatively fewer women participate in the labor force. The second point is crucial to understand the gender pay gap: the gap is a statistic that changes during the life of a worker. The data in this map, which comes from the World Banks World Development Indicators, provides a measure of whether there are any specific jobs that non-pregnant and non-nursing women are not allowed to perform. This third point follows from the fact that the difference between the blue and red bars was much larger in 1980 than in 2010. Copy the URL to open this chart with all your selections. But what does gender inequality look like if we focus on the very top of the income distribution? if we decompose the wage gap after including people who are not employed). Gender pay gap differs widely by race and ethnicity Looking across racial and ethnic groups, a wide gulf separates the earnings of Black and Hispanic women from the earnings of White men. In 2022, women earned an average of 82% of what men earned, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of median hourly earnings of both full- and part-time workers. First, the unadjustedgender pay gap in the US shrunk over this period. You can explore these exceptions using the documentation files containing all the relevant indicator notes. Which countries have systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women's empowerment? Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) In particular, sometimes self-employed workers, or part-time workers are excluded. When comparing the contributing factors in 1980 and 2010, we see that education and work experience have become much less important in explaining gender differences in wages over time, while occupation and industry have become more important.10. For each specification, Blau and Kahn (2017) perform regression analyses on data from the PSID (the Michigan Panel Study of Income Dynamics), which includes information on labor-market experience and considers men and women ages 25-64 who were full-time, non-farm, wage and salary workers. The Gender Wage Gap: Extent, Trends, and Explanations. Journal of Economic Literature, 55(3): 789-865. Angola Angola has the most significant gender pay gap in the world, scoring just 2.83 out of seven. Understanding the family gap in pay for women with children. Comparing this year's results against last year's by examining the 145 countries covered in both the 2021 and 2022 editions shows that the overall gender parity score rose from 67.9% to 68.1%. In the UK, for example, the gap went down from almost 50% in 1970 to about 17% in 2016. 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