If we cannot verify you lived in or owned the home that you listed in your application, we will ask you to provide documents to prove occupancy and/or ownership to help us determine if you are eligible for assistance. along with staff contact information, if available ( State grantees continue to be responsible for civil rights, labor standards, and environmental protection requirements, for compliance with 24 CFR 570.489(g) and (h), and subparagraph III.A.1.a. This analysis should factor in historical and projected data on risk that incorporates best available science ( In-kind donations are not financial assistance that creates a DOB under the Stafford Act, but they do reduce the amount of CDBGDR assistance for unmet need because the donated goods or services reduce activity costs. L. 117180, Division A) approved September 30, 2022, makes available $2,000,000,000 in CDBGDR funds. real estate + content loss = below $12,000, of the Consolidated Notice may apply it to these activities. when carrying out activities to construct, reconstruct, or rehabilitate residential structures with CDBGDR funds as part of activities eligible under 42 U.S.C. Necessary and Reasonable Requirements. These submissions must meet the criteria below and must be submitted within 120 days of the applicability date of the governing Allocation Announcement Notice or with the grantee's submission of its action plan, whichever is earlier, unless the grantee has requested, and HUD has approved an extension of the submission deadline. e.g., Assistance Listing Numbers (Formerly Known as the CFDA Number), Allocation of CDBGDR Funds to Most Impacted and Distressed Areas Due to Presidentially Declared Disasters Occurring in 2022, Methods for Estimating Serious Unmet Needs for Housing, Methods for Estimating Serious Unmet Economic Revitalization Needs, Methods for Estimating Unmet Infrastructure Needs, Sub-Disaster Allocations for Local Governments, CDBGDR Consolidated Notice Waivers and Alternative Requirements, II.A. Daniel Dennis & Company is a certified public accounting firm that provides audit, accounting, tax, and consulting services to real estate and affordable housing development organizations, charter schools, and nonprofit organizations all over New England, including Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. using building materials that are able to withstand high winds), and (3) an assessment of the benefit of the grantee's measures through verifiable data ( The following elevation standards apply to new construction, rehabilitation of substantial damage, or rehabilitation resulting in substantial improvement of residential structures located in an area delineated as a special flood hazard area or equivalent in FEMA's data sources. Grantees must coordinate with local public housing authorities (PHA) in the MID areas to ensure that the grantee's representation in the action plan reflects the input of those entities as well as coordinating with State Housing Finance agencies to make sure that all funding sources that are available and opportunities for leverage are noted in the action plan. storm water management systems) or other disaster-related community-based mitigation systems ( Less than $1,000 of FEMA inspected personal property damage. Program incomedoes not include: (i) The total amount of funds that is less than $35,000 received in a single year and retained by a state, local government, or a subrecipient thereof. HUD has limited allocations to those disasters where the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) had determined the damage was sufficient to declare the disaster as eligible to receive IHP funding. 306108) and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. Start Printed Page 32057 Each grantee must adopt policies and procedures on how it will demonstrate that the amount of assistance for a buyout is necessary and reasonable. Therefore, acquisition-only buyout programs cannot satisfy the LMH national objective criteria. HUD waives the public benefit standards at 42 U.S.C. Based on this authority, the Secretary authorizes grantees receiving a CDBGDR grant under the Appropriations Acts and prior or future appropriation acts for activities authorized under title I of the HCDA for a specific qualifying disaster(s) to use these funds interchangeably and without limitation for the same activities in MID areas resulting from a major disaster in prior or future appropriation acts, as long as the MID areas overlap and the activities address unmet needs of both disasters. Policies and procedures for DOB may be specific for each program funded by the CDBGDR grantee and should be commensurate with risk. Under the Cost Principles, a cost assigned to a grant is reasonable if, in its nature and amount, it does not exceed that which would be incurred by a prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision was made to incur the cost (2 CFR 200.404). Please note that while you cannot duplicate assistance for the same purpose, advisory services and the provision of notices required under the URA are not subject to this analysis because they are not financial assistance to the person, and therefore must be provided in accordance with the URA. FEMA can only provide money after you get your insurance settlement. CDBGDR appropriations acts generally include a statutory order of assistance for Federal agencies. Three considerations may change the maximum amount of the CDBGDR award. Reimbursement of disaster recovery expenses by a grantee or subrecipient. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. The information in DRGR and the performance reports must contain sufficient detail to permit HUD's review of grantee performance and to enable remote review of grantee data to allow HUD to assess compliance and risk. Contracts and procurement actions that do not exceed the micro-purchase threshold, as defined in 2 CFR 200.1, are not required to be posted to a grantee's website. This waiver is necessary to reduce burdensome administrative requirements for homebuyers following a disaster. II.A.2.b. Appendix A, 49 CFR 24.2(a)(9)(ii)(D)) to persons temporary relocated as a result of a project. Prohibition on flood disaster assistance for failure to obtain and maintain 12705(a)(2), and 24 CFR 91.220 and 91.320, are waived for CDBGDR grants. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. You can alsoget answers tofrequently asked questionsabout emergency shelters, disaster assistance, flood insurance and more. 4624 and 42 U.S.C. housing, economic revitalization, and infrastructure) of greatest needs identified in the grantee's impact and unmet needs assessment or provide an acceptable justification for a disproportional allocation, while also incorporating hazard mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of recurring natural disasters and the long-term impacts of climate change. Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice Within those areas are dozens of affected regular CDBG entitlement areas. The grantee must describe the connection between identified unmet needs and the allocation of CDBGDR resources. the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. CDBGDR assistance may only pay for eligible activities to address unmet needs. HUD updated its building standards to support the adoption and enforcement of modern and resilient codes for grants subject to the Or FEMA will ask you to send documents to verify your expenses. Housing counseling agencies (HCAs) have until August 31, 2022, to revise their Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 9902 data. Assistance provided for the purpose of housing rehabilitation, including assistance provided for temporary or minor rehabilitation, is for the same purpose as CDBGDR rehabilitation assistance. Activities that assist LMI persons and meet the criteria for the national objectives described below, including in II.B.10., will be considered to benefit LMI persons unless there is substantial evidence to the contrary and will count towards the calculation of a grantee's overall LMI benefit requirement as described in section III.F.2. Buyout requirements: (i) Property to be acquired or accepted must be located within a floodway, floodplain, or Disaster Risk Reduction Area. award cap) available to a beneficiary under each of the grantee's disaster recovery programs. The streamlined requirements require the grantee to include public hearings on the proposed action plan and provide a reasonable opportunity (at least 30 days) for citizen comment. The grantee must conduct an individualized review of each applicant to determine that the amount of assistance will not cause a DOB by exceeding the unmet needs of that applicant. The unmet need categories for these types of homeowners are defined as above for real and personal property damage. (NEPA). Reduction, withdrawal, or adjustment of a grant, or other appropriate action. The exception criteria applies to CDBGDR funded activities in jurisdictions covered by such criteria, including jurisdictions that receive disaster recovery funds from a state. with the completed Certification Checklist to enable the Secretary to certify that the grantee has in place proficient financial controls and procurement processes, and adequate procedures for proper grant management. HUD requires each grantee to demonstrate that it has sufficient capacity to manage the CDBGDR funds and the associated risks. For plan publication, the comprehensive disaster recovery website and vital documents must ensure effective communication for individuals with disabilities, as required by 24 CFR 8.6 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, as applicable. Acquisition of second homes at post-disaster fair market value is not prohibited. In addition to alternative requirements in II.B.1., the following alternative requirement applies to activities to construct new single-family units for homeownership that will meet the LMI housing national objective criteria. Currently, public benefit standards limit the amount of CDBG assistance per job retained or created, or the amount of CDBG assistance per LMI person to whom goods or services are provided by the activity. (a) A state grantee has proficient procurement processes if HUD determines that its processes uphold the principles of full and open competition and include an evaluation of the cost or price of the product or service, and if its procurement processes reflect that it: (i) adopted 2 CFR 200.318 through 200.327; (ii) follows its own state procurement policies and procedures and establishes requirements for procurement processes for local governments and subrecipients based on full and open competition pursuant to 24 CFR 570.489(g), and the requirements for the state, its local governments, and subrecipients include evaluation of the cost or price of the product or service; or. Grantees, recipients, and subrecipients must implement procedures and mechanisms to ensure that assisted property owners comply with all flood insurance requirements, including the purchase and notification requirements described below, before providing assistance. This should be of particular interest to for-profit recipients in the affected states with funding from the Provider Relief Fund program, as September 30, 2022 was a significant audit submission deadline for many for-profit entities. The grantee shall describe how the method of distribution to local governments or Indian tribes, or programs/projects carried out directly, will result in long-term recovery from specific impacts of the disaster. However, the Consolidated Notice in Appendix B is the same Consolidated Notice included as Appendix B in previous Allocation Announcements Notices published in the * 9902 reports are cumulative and should include data from the previous quarter. These dollar thresholds can impede recovery by limiting the amount of assistance the grantee may provide to a critical activity. For example, it may be reasonable for an applicant to elect to receive an immediate lump sum insurance settlement based on estimated cost of rehabilitation instead of waiting for a longer period of time for the insurance company to calculate reimbursement based on actual replacement costs, even if the reimbursement based on actual costs would exceed the lump sum insurance settlement. For example, HUD announced CDBGDR grants for disasters occurring in 2022 in this notice. III.C.6.a. The grantee (or procuring entity) must incorporate performance requirements and liquidated damages into each procured contract. Therefore, a grantee's basis for calculating CDBGDR economic development assistance and the purposes for which the applicant can use the assistance should be clearly identified so that grantees can prevent a DOB. Use of funds for administrative costs across multiple grants. A review specific to each applicant is necessary because assistance available to each applicant varies widely based on individual insurance coverage, eligibility for various sources of assistance, and other factors. 5304(m), 42 U.S.C. [URA] shall be denied such eligibility as a result of his being unable, because of a major disaster as determined by the President, to meet the occupancy requirements set by [the URA]. Accordingly, homeowner occupants and tenants displaced from their homes as a result of the identified disasters and who would have otherwise been displaced as a direct result of any acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of real property for a federally funded program or project may become eligible for a replacement housing payment notwithstanding their inability to meet occupancy requirements prescribed in the URA. (5) How the grantee will align infrastructure investments with other planned federal, state, or local capital improvements and infrastructure development efforts, and will work to foster the potential for additional infrastructure funding from multiple sources, including state and local capital improvement projects in planning, and the potential for private investment; (6) How the grantee will employ adaptable and reliable technologies to prevent premature obsolescence of infrastructure; and. 2023 California State Treasurer's Office, CTCAC Development Staff Regional Assignments, Placed in Service Package/Form 8609 Request, American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Information, CA, WA & OR Statement re Construction Costs of Affordable Housing, PlacedinService Application Submission Deadline Memorandum, Proposed Regulations: State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, IRS 2020-53 CTCAC Guidance for Recertifications and Monitoring, Increase opportunity for women and people of color, Empower individuals in distressed communities. If FEMA or USACE are accepting applications for the activity, the applicant must seek assistance from those sources before receiving CDBGDR assistance. This information is not part of the official Federal Register document. Grantees must comply with section 582 of the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994, as amended, (42 U.S.C. To check the status on a previously submitted claim, visit DisasterAssistance.gov. IV.A.1. The manner of publication must include prominent posting on the grantee's official disaster recovery website and must afford citizens, affected local governments, and other interested parties a reasonable opportunity to review the plan or substantial amendment. Instead, as an alternative requirement, 24 CFR 570.208(d)(4) applies to states when funding disaster recovery-assisted, planning-only grants, or when directly administering planning activities that guide disaster recovery. e.g., State grantees may also establish a revolving fund to distribute funds to local governments or tribes to carry out specific, identified activities. Interchangeability of disaster funds. should verify the contents of the documents against a final, official To the extent that an original disaster recovery need was not fully met or was exacerbated by factors beyond the control of the applicant, the grantee may provide additional CDBGDR funds to meet the increased unmet need. You can find social media graphics with important safety messaging in various languages, including English, Chinese, Spanish and Vietnamese. hotline@hudoig.gov). Only official editions of the To effectively administer the CDBGDR program in a manner that facilitates recovery, particularly the alternative requirements permitting states to act directly to carry out eligible activities, HUD is waiving 42 U.S.C. This notice and the Consolidated Notice also require CDBGDR grantees to consider projected sources of disaster assistance in the needs assessment that is part of an action plan for disaster recovery. Start Printed Page 32053. For rehabilitation other than the rehabilitation of substantially damaged residential buildings described in section II.B.2.a. FEMA can't provide money for expenses covered by insurance or duplicate benefits from another source. by program, subrecipient, grantee-administered activity, or other category). Please contact your insurance company as soon as possible to file a claim. Green and resilient building standard for new construction and reconstruction of housing. Section IV.A. Grantees must exclude amounts that are: (1) provided for a different purpose; or (2) provided for the same purpose (eligible activity), but for a different, allowable use (cost). The grantee must apply its valuation method for all buyouts carried out under the program. This alternative urgent need national objective is in effect for a period of 36 months following the applicability date of the grantee's Allocation Announcement Notice. III.C.1.h. above). IV.F.7. IMA must be used in conjunction with a buyout program, or the rehabilitation or reconstruction of single-family housing, during which mortgage payments may be due but the home is not habitable. Timely Distribution and Expenditure of Funds For these reasons, HUD recommends that as soon as possible after a disaster, grantees advise the public and potential applicants to retain all receipts that document expenditures for recovery needs. 51215207) (Stafford Act) is the primary legal authority establishing the framework for the Federal government to provide disaster and emergency assistance. (2)(a) of the Consolidated Notice relating to conflicts of interest, and for compliance with 24 CFR 570.489(m) relating to monitoring and management of subrecipients. (1) How the impact and unmet needs assessment informs funding determinations, including the rationale behind the decision(s) to provide funds to most impacted and distressed areas.
III.E.1. The action plan for program administrative costs must also include the criteria for eligibility and the amount to be budgeted for that activity. seq. Start Printed Page 32076 HUD will consider the person income-qualified if the annual wages or salary of the job is at or under the HUD-established income limit for a one-person family. Thus, this method streamlines the documentation process by allowing the collection of wage data for each position created or retained from the assisted businesses, rather than from each individual household. The average cost to fully repair a home for a specific disaster to code within each of the damage categories noted above is calculated using the median real property damage repair costs determined by the SBA for its disaster loan program based on a match comparing FEMA and SBA inspections by each of the FEMA damage categories described above. Without this waiver, disparities exist in relocation assistance associated with activities typically funded by HUD and FEMA ( are not part of the published document itself. 1701u) (section 3) applies to CDBGDR activities that are section 3 projects, as defined at 24 CFR 75.3(a)(2). Grantees are subject to the requirements of the Appropriations Acts, this notice, and the Consolidated Notice. In addition to the other requirements in this section, the grantee must comply with applicable state, local, and tribal codes and standards for floodplain management, including elevation, setbacks, and cumulative substantial damage requirements. IV.A.3. CDBGDR funds used directly by state and local governments for public facilities and improvements, or other purposes are also subject to the DOB requirements of the Stafford Act. II.D.4. The grantee must follow a detailed citizen participation plan that satisfies the requirements of 24 CFR 91.115 or 91.105 (except as provided for in notices providing waivers and alternative requirements). Overall benefit requirement. DR 4673FL. documents in the last year, 408 Certification of financial controls and procurement processes, and adequate procedures for proper grant management. Associated risks other category ) HCAs ) have until August 31, 2022, makes $... Disasters occurring in 2022 in this notice, and adequate procedures for proper management... Dollar thresholds can impede recovery by limiting the amount of assistance for Federal agencies may to! A previously submitted claim, visit DisasterAssistance.gov of FEMA inspected personal property damage notice Within areas. Each procured contract Year, 408 Certification of financial controls and procurement processes and. Waives the public benefit standards at 42 U.S.C the appropriations acts, this notice carried under... 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