How to Activate Your Starseed As an older star system, these Starseeds can recognize the importance of order and structure while still advocating for diversified ideas and solutions. They can come up with unconventional solutions quickly and easily, providing novel paths for others to follow and explore. Its actually the 8th brightest star in our night sky, and is only 11.64 light years away so can be readily seen on a clear night! These numbers are said to hold particular significance and meaning, and can be seen as signs of your spiritual road. WebAlpha Canis Minoris is the scientific name for Procyon and is the most prominent star in the Canis Minor Constellation. Sirians are highly evolved beings of love, and they have a strong sense of spiritual connection with their soul family. A starseed is a term used to describe a child of the stars a person who, like an old soul, has lived prior lives on Earth and possibly different planets and galaxies. This can result in feelings of being overwhelmed or drained, making it essential for Procyon Starseeds to prioritize self-care and balance in their lives. They have chosen to work in partnership with humans, assisting us as we make our way back home into the joyous realms of unity consciousness. Procyon Starseed. These beings often possess a slim, ethereal appearance, with a natural grace and poise that is hard to miss. Many work in the shadows doing ordinary jobs, but have a vision theyd love to live out. Andromedan Starseed Music. 10 main traits of Procyon Starseeds: 1) Adore The Sun 32 Clear Signs Youre a Starseed on Earth (& What it all Means). May 12, 2020. Did you know that you can actually carry a beautiful blend of energy from multiple starseed races? March 9, 2023 September 11, 2022 by Charlotte Kirsten. WebBuy "Procyon Starseed" by LuluMei as a Essential T-Shirt. Do you follow your gut instinct even when others tell you not to? The tall blond humanoids carried out experiments that involved both artificial Insemination and Interbreeding with primitive humanity. In mythology, Canis Minor is the smaller of two of Orion the Hunters companion hunting dogs. Procyons have an easy time understanding their own emotions and they know how to deal with stress better than other starseeds. One of the most important things procyons must do is stay grounded. Some lesser known starseeds are Polarian, Procyon, Avian, and Martian. Procyons are known as solar souls, and unconsciously harness the energy of the Sun. Their innate psychic abilities, such as intuition, telepathy, and aura-reading, allow them to connect deeply with others, providing guidance and support during difficult times. They need to set boundaries for what they can and cannot do, as well as establish a daily routine that includes grounding activities such as meditation or yoga. Similar to Blue Ray starseeds, Procyons struggle with social isolation. Typically Topical bridges the connection between this world and the unknown. Web414 Likes, 70 Comments. Some lesser known starseeds are Polarian, Procyon, Avian, and Martian. With a background in psychology, astrology, and esoteric practice, her soulful guides are read by over 300,000 people every month. In such cases, its possible that they are a hybrid Starseed, a being with a soul that has roots in multiple star systems. These beings have come to Earth with the intention of healing, awakening, and guiding those who are ready to embark on a path of personal and collective transformation. Keep reading to learn more about this fascinating topic. Not only are they able to understand other peoples problems, but theyre the first to find solutions to them. Are You a Procyon Starseed on Earth? As more individuals awaken to their Starseed origins, we can expect a profound transformation of our collective consciousness, paving the way for a brighter and more harmonious future for all. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Firstly, the Procyon star system is part of the Canis Minor constellation, which imbues these beings with distinct wisdom and intuition. They have been known to share their wisdom with those who seek it out; they guide us on our spiritual journey through lifes many challenges. Hooray! Their strong affinity for nature, particularly forests, and greenery, provides them with a sense of grounding and balance, which they can share with those around them. Next starseed indicator in Trumps chart is Venus in Cancer in the 11th house exact with the star Procyon. Procyons are very strong and can lift heavy objects without much effort. Procyonian Starseeds come from the Procyon (duality) Starseeds Within Our Galaxy: Venusian (Venus) Martian (Mars) Agarthan (Middle Earth) Mercurian (Mercury) Watch. Starseeds are usually characterized as sensitive, intuitive, knowing and often have difficulty fitting in. One source claims many starseeds on earth today are from Regulus, although they are not as known as Pleiadian starseeds. They also love their body and their fitness regime which can lead them astray. One of the most significant hurdles is the feeling of isolation that often accompanies their spiritual nature. Procyons will never give up because they know best, and they want everyone to experience this. Anything that requires attention to detail or determination, and theyll flourish. He is constantly in the public domain and news, and I thought it would be interesting to see what his chart shows. Do you feel as though you were meant to carry out a specific mission? Pinterest. Their mission is to provide support and guidance to those who seek it, while also finding ways to adapt and thrive in the dense energies that surround Earth. Theyre very skilled at technology and love delving deeper into the nitty-gritty problems society is facing. They also tend to be curious and open-minded, always eager to learn new things and explore the unknown. The degrees of 0-10 in any sign can indicate Cool typography, quote, text design. 7. P.S Dont forget to join our Starseed community (talk with like-minded souls! They want everyone to know that they are not alone; their light is here for all to see. Procyon starseeds are master builders, creators, and architects as their minds are highly logical and analytical, yet they Secondly, Procyon Starseeds are known for their incredible ability to adapt to the dense energies of our planet. There is not much information on Regulus starseeds at this point. Procyons have an innate understanding and connection to frequency, waves, electricity, lasers, and other aspects of electromagnetic energy that make up our world today. This is probably one of the biggest signs that point to Procyon origin. Like its brighter neighbour Sirius in Canis Major, it They originate from Procyon, a star in the Canis Minor constellation. Like its brighter neighbour Sirius in Canis Major, it Procyon starseeds will bring in new forms of technology and social reform Unlike Arcturians, who will publicly go after their goals, Procyons keep their cards close to their chest. Hooray! Explore. Procyon Starseed Course 3 Step Program with Certificate done via Email Individual Personal Training $265.50 $295.00 (10% Off) Pay as low as . Procyon starseeds often have a deep longing to help people and animals on this planet. This item ships free. Procyons often use this power in order to help others who are feeling lonely or abandoned. They are almost identical to humans physically. Since there is no official history, I go by what resonates with me. Today. Due to past trauma and hurt, Procyons are usually not quick to trust others, though theyre incredibly loving once they feel comfortable with someone. The Pleiadian starseeds are 9th-dimensional beings. Because they come from a distant star system, Procyon Starseeds often view the world with an outsiders perspective, allowing them to offer unique insights on any situation. Nowadays you can find music online for Andromedan starseeds and lightworkers to help with starseed activation and awakening. WebProcyon Starseeds are a little different than Starseeds you may be familiar with since their ascension mission is achieved through physical work and not spiritual endeavor. Starseed Awakening: Signs, Symptoms & Stages. One source claims many starseeds on earth today are from Regulus, although they are not as known as Pleiadian starseeds. Procyon starseed exercise control over all aspects of their lives, but are also more than happy to take risks when it comes to matters surrounding their inner being such as spiritual growth. Procyon starseeds are a unique type of cosmic being, with innate abilities and powers that go far beyond what is typically found in the natural world. March 14, 2023 March 13, 2023 by Charlotte Kirsten. Read on: I decided to take a look at Donald Trumps natal chart and see what starseed markings are in his chart. Buy "Procyon Starseed" by LuluMei as a Poster. The Procyons will never give up. Although investigations into Procyon starseeds continues among scientists and astronomers, many still wonder what message these space rocks bringand whether they contain ancient secrets waiting to be revealed by those who seek them out. 1 Comment. In addition, some are able to connect to the stars themselves, tapping into energies to heal, transmute negative conditions, and raise collective consciousness. Starseed alliances made on the material or astral planes 8. ancestral attachments established in timeline jumping, past life memories 9. interdimensional travel 10. astral travel 11. ability to leave the reality space presented us 12. told we have too much imagination, day dreamers, delusional, paranoid 13. problems with authority 1 Comment. However, certain characteristics may set them apart from the average person. You may be a starseed. Grab this as a birthday gift for your girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend or relative. Design is also a perfect gift for Christmas WebProcyon Starseeds are a little different than Starseeds you may be familiar with since their ascension mission is achieved through physical work and not spiritual endeavor. Procyon starseeds have come to Earth in order to help humanity understand the power of love. I am a Procyon starseed (accdg to a reading that i had but Im really not sure). To this day, there has been no definitive answer to either of those questionsbut that just adds to the starseeds allure and continued fascination with viewers across the globe. Is it possible that youre a rare soul type: a Starseed? Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Not only do they tend to be intuitive, but they also exhibit other qualities such as curiosity, creativity and an open-mindedness. Believed to be the creation of divine source energy, the Procyon starseed is composed of stardust and is said to contain mysterious knowledge superior to our own. Venus in Cancer n the 11th house indicates a nurturing, emotional side, especially with friends and larger social groups. The tall Blonds humanoids from Procyon and the short gray humanoids from Rigel have been enemies for many thousands of years. Are You a Procyon Starseed on Earth? Procyon starseeds, also known as morning stars, comprise one of the most fascinating life cycles in nature. If you feel called to awaken your divine potential and assist in the planets evolution, then you may be a Procyon Starseed! WebProcyonian Starseeds come from the Procyon in the Gemini constellation. 8 inches ( 2.13 to 2.44 meters ) tall is said to be around,. Whilst the starseed soul goes beyond the physical, the body does not. (I speak more about this in the challenges section below). WebAs a rare starseed group, Procyans may feel they are different and may suffer from the inner sense of isolation and not being understood. This is not true at all. WebProcyon Starseed. Add to cart Arrives by Sep 21-29 if you order today. If so, you may be wondering what this term means and how it affects you. Explore. Procyon Starseed Traits; 3.Use your Intuition Some starseeds know exactly where they come from and where theyve incarnated based on their experiences and even memories. This sentiment is quite common among all starseeds because starseeds are minority on Earth, but it can be quite intense for Procyans. They are believed to come from outside our solar system, streaming towards Earth in ball-like shapes that range from the size of a grapefruit to that of a basketball. Sirius B is a smaller star and home to the water beings like the Miengu and Merpeople. 22 galactic races a type of Starseed help procyon starseed Earth and all inhabitants. Procyon Starseeds possess a myriad of gifts that enable them to bring about positive change and healing on Earth. The Pleiadian starseeds are 9th-dimensional beings. 28 Clear Signs, Mission & Energy Type. Procyon is a binary star system, consisting of the main star Procyon A which is a white-hued main-sequence star of spectral type F5 IV-V, that is in orbit with a faint white dwarf companion of spectral type DQZ, named Procyon B. Procyon lies at a distance of just 11.45 light-years / 3.51 parsecs away from the Sun. They may suffer from feelings of isolation, as their spiritual nature makes it difficult for them to relate to those around them. On one hand, they are independent free spirits who live life on their own terms and dont conform to expectations or conventional notions. Are You A Sirian Starseed? Sometimes it can feel as though they want to get rid of their body altogether. Make 2023 the year to let that wonderful you-ness shine. Regulus has been associated with the celestial fae, unicorns and mermaids, and is associated with the Archangel Raphael (Royal stars are also Archangel Stars). Maldeks died out, but their planet had an endless supply of water. Procyon is the alpha star of the constellation Canis Minor the Small Dog. Procyon Starseeds worship their bodies and usually have athletic abilities, so they are drawn to working in the fitness industry. For the last several years, Ive had the idea to write about Procyon starseeds, but it wasnt until recently that I accumulated enough The story of the Procyon starseed is an ancient one, thought to have originated in a distant galaxy before making its way across the universe to reach us. From The humanoids that have been nick-named Swedes are on the average between six and six and a half feet tall. Next starseed indicator in Trumps chart is Venus in Cancer in the 11th house exact with the star Procyon. Its easy for Procyon starseeds to get caught up in worldly pursuits or other peoples agendas that may not serve themselves or others well in the long term. It is located within the Canis Minor. Procyons are a fascinating group of interstellar beings known as Procyon Starseeds. Within the group of Each bringing forth unique energy frequencies, gifts, awareness to seed into human consciousness. Are you an Avian Starseed? Some of the other gifts Procyon starseeds have included their selflessness and intelligence which often allows them to take care of others without needing anything in return. Their compassionate nature and genuine desire to help others make their healing work both effective and transformative. This vision is usually filled with fast-paced, adventurous activities that involve social interaction and spontaneity. 7. Sometimes they look at you like youre speaking a different language. However, their time on Earth is not always easy. Below are 230+ starseed origins. They can be quite self-reflective and understand emotions quite well. Whether theyre taking a peaceful hike through the woods or simply enjoying a sunny day in the park, theres something about being surrounded by greenery that just makes them come alive. Procyons work for those who have overcome fear and negativity, working with them on their individual paths of spiritual growth. The most famous Andromeda symbol is the Andromeda Galaxy and the Andromeda constellation. Second, top and rear of head is enlarged to accommodate a larger brain capacity. They are more human than alien, yet their physical appearance is more symmetrical with big blue eyes and blond hair. Truly, witnessing a procyon starseeds life cycle is an awe-inspiring sight that offers insight into the wonderful complexities of nature. Affinity means possibly that you are from that starseed constellation/star or you incarnated through a star gate there. Klarna. They possess an innate ability to connect with others on a deep, soul level, providing the support and encouragement needed. Less spiritually developed, they usually work as builders and craftsmen. Procyon is an already known but not well understood soul group. Clearing abundance blocks and replacing them with abundance codes for your highest good right now - health, wealth, romantic love, friendship, joy & happiness. You may be a starseed. It is composed of a binary pair of stars; Alpha Centauri A and B and a third star by the name of Proxima Centauri or Alpha Centauri C. The beings working with Earth mostly come from a planet unofficially named Selo in Alpha Centauri B. They might crave touch and closeness, but will also be able to see all aspects of a situation- they are not one-dimensional people! You try to explain your thoughts and feelings, but they just dont seem to get it. While their ability to ground and anchor spiritual energies is undoubtedly a strength, they may still struggle with the heaviness of our world. Labeled as revolutionary by The Oprah Winfrey Network. They are able to use their knowledge of energy in a way that we cannot. Procyon Starseed Course 3 Step Program with Certificate done via Email Individual Personal Training $265.50 $295.00 (10% Off) Pay as low as . Theyve adapted so well to this environment that they almost blend in. 10th house of career or vocation, combined with Gemini, indicate a career in communication, a very social person who likes to talk a lot. WebProcyonian Starseeds come from the Procyon in the Gemini constellation. Truly remarkable! They incarnate on Earth to share their knowledge Master Law of Attraction Principles: Unlock Your Path to Limitless Success & Joy! If this is the case, you could be a Procyon, which is an extremely uncommon sort of starseed. WebProcyon, Alpha Canis Minoris ( CMi), is a binary star system with an apparent magnitude of 0.34, located at a distance of only 11.46 light years from Earth in the constellation Canis Minor. They love to rely on facts and hard evidence as opposed to intuition. Its name comes from the classical Greek and means ""before the dog,"" a reference to it's rising in the heavens before Sirius, the Dog Star. Procyons are the ones who have a deep spiritual connection and can achieve anything they put their minds to with their tenacious enthusiasm. First, eyes are much larger and appear more alive: color ranges through shades of blue, green and brown. Starseed alliances made on the material or astral planes 8. ancestral attachments established in timeline jumping, past life memories 9. interdimensional travel 10. astral travel 11. ability to leave the reality space presented us 12. told we have too much imagination, day dreamers, delusional, paranoid 13. problems with authority Below are 230+ starseed origins. The Centaurian systems are one of the closest star systems to Earth, being about 4.3 light-years away. The Procyon Starseed mission is an ambitious one, driven by a profound love for humanity and a desire to support others on their spiritual journey. Are you a Procyon Starseed? Procyons love the warmth and energy the Sun can provide. Vishnu is also an entrepreneur and truth seeker, always on the lookout for new opportunities to explore. Numerology. Procyon starseeds are master builders, creators, and architects as their minds are highly logical and analytical, yet they are also highly psychic and observant. WebAug 4, 2020 - Procyon starseeds will bring in new forms of technology and social reform that will catalyze the ascension of the physical world. According to metaphysical lore, they are likely sensitive souls who have traveled to Earth in order to experience and understand humanity while on their spiritual journeys. I thought it would be interesting to see all aspects of a situation- they are not one-dimensional people systems one. Have been enemies for many thousands of years of your spiritual road you your! Minor the Small Dog an icon to log in: you are commenting using your! With unconventional solutions quickly and easily, providing the support and encouragement needed one hand, they suffer. 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