So if youre wondering whether you can keep that exotic pet youve been eyeing, its best to check with the Arizona Game and Fish Department to make sure its legal. c. An Apprentice falconer is prohibited from possessing any: i. Each 5. Minimum number of presentations the applicant anticipates to provide under the license, b. A person may export, giveaway, import, kill, possess, propagate, purchase, and trade transgenic animals provided the person is doing so for a medical or scientific research facility. Method for evaluating the potential impact introducing white amur will have on wildlife; 3. The family Antilocapridae. 17. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how much an exotic pet license costs. Adopted effective April 28, 1989 (Supp. During an ecologically appropriate time of year and time of day; and, 3. WebAnyone who wishes to possess wildlife as a pet and would like to take their pet in public (any place outside of the home or vets office where members of the public could approach the animal) should apply for a license for exhibition in lieu of a personal pet permit/license. The mount shall not count towards the falconer's possession limit. Ensure all wildlife held under the license that has the potential to come into contact with the public is tested for zoonotic diseases appropriate to the species no more than 12 months prior to importation or display. 3. Taxa means groups of animals within specific classes of wildlife occurring in the state with common characteristics that establish relatively similar requirements for habitat, food, and other ecological, genetic, or behavioral factors. An applicant shall certify that the applicant has read and is familiar with applicable state laws and rules and the regulations under 50 C.F.R. E. The license holder shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements; the zoo license does not: F. The Department shall deny a zoo license to a person who fails to meet the requirements established under R12-4-409 or this Section. Deny or substitute the number of specimens and taxa requested on an application. Accept any wildlife that is donated, purchased, or otherwise obtained without accompanying evidence of lawful possession. New Section made by final rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. Common name: electric catfish. 4. Some animals, such as snakes and lizards, are relatively inexpensive to license. For example, the City of Phoenix does not allow residents to keep axolotls as pets. H.An applicant for a live bait dealer's license shall pay all applicable fees established under R12-4-412. The facility area shall be large enough and constructed in a manner to allow the animal proper and adequate exercise as is characteristic to each animal's natural behavior and physical needs. 01-2). They are considered exotic pets and are not legal in all states. part 22. 1. The incorporated material is available at any Department office, online at, or may be ordered from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. A licensed Master falconer may take up to two golden eagles from the wild only as authorized under 50 C.F.R. Phasianus colchicus, Ringneck and Whitewing pheasant. Mammals listed as restricted live wildlife under R12-4-406, provided: a. Educational Facility License If you want to use a specific animal in educational settings, then you will need an educational facility license. A licensed falconer may keep multiple raptors together in one enclosure untethered only when the raptors are compatible with each other. An animal placed on public exhibit or educational display shall be handled in a manner that minimizes the risk of harm to members of the public and to the animal, which includes but is not limited to providing and maintaining a sufficient distance between the animal and the viewing public. The sport falconry license is valid until the third December from the date of issuance. Make sure you keep track of your licensing and renew your license before the due date each year. 4. A separate application is required for each location where the applicant proposes to stock white amur. Purpose for the use of wildlife as established under subsection (C); 3. The species Euglandina rosea. WebAnswer (1 of 5): This really depends on two things: 1. K. A person applying for a wildlife rehabilitation license shall submit an application to the Department. The number of individuals of each species, b. Importation, Handling, and Possession of Cervids. Live bait dealer's license, established under R12-4-411; 4. A possible escape of the proposed species would not create a threat to native wildlife; 2. The raptor shall not count towards the falconer's take or possession limits, provided the falconer reports the temporary possession of the raptor to the Department no more than five consecutive days after capturing the raptor. Erethizontidae, a family of New World porcupines, has been added to the Arizona ban list. e. The microchip or tattoo number of each live native cervid held, f. The disposition of all cervids that were moved or died during the current reporting period. Without immediate threat to the animal or potentially injurious contact with humans; b. The annual report shall include all of the following information, as applicable: b. Rescind or modify any method of take authorized by the license; 2. Noncommercial purpose means the use of products or services developed using wildlife for which no compensation or monetary value is received. The appropriate special license listed under R12-4-409(A); or. The Department shall determine the disposition of a raptor when the researcher or falconer does not replace the transmitter or retrieve the raptor within the initial 30-day period. 1. In order to get a wild or exotic pet permit, you'll need to contact the appropriate governing body based on your state of residence. Ensure all shipments of white amur are accompanied by a USFWS, or similar agent, certificate confirming the white amur are triploid. Transfer to a medical or scientific research facility exempt under R12-4-407. 38. Title 41, Chapter 6, Article 10. Exotic Animal Permits Anyone living in Delaware who wishes to own or care for an animal not native to Delaware must have an Exotic Animal Permit for each animal from the department. Amended by final rulemaking at 23 A.A.R. 2. K. Mollusks listed below are considered restricted live wildlife : 1. 16. 2. 4. The falconer may use the mount for a conservation education program. Status at disposition or end-of-year in relation to the condition requiring rehabilitation; e. For activities related to federally-protected wildlife, a copy of the rehabilitator's federal permit report of activities related to federally-protected wildlife satisfies the reporting requirement established under subsection (Z)(4)(c) for federally protected wildlife. If you have any questions about applying for a license or registration under the Animal Welfare Act, please contact the USDA Animal Care office below. J. The Department shall provide the written notice established under R12-4-409(F)(4) to the applicant stating the reason for the denial. Amended by final rulemaking at 12 A.A.R. A transgenic animal is considered wildlife if the animal is the offspring of at least one wildlife species. The Department shall provide a written notice to the applicant stating the reason for the denial. Before purchasing an exotic pet in Arizona, it is wise to consider the legal implications of owning the pet, in addition to the practical requirements of owning a wild The name, address, and telephone number of the location where the wildlife will be held, if applicable. 17-101, R12-4-101, and R12-4-401, and for the purposes of this Section, the following definitions apply: Abatement services means the use of raptors possessed under a falconry permit for the control of nuisance species. After the initial medical treatment is completed, the licensed falconer shall either: a. Common names include: Chinese mystery snail or apple snail. An applicant for a wildlife holding license shall pay all applicable fees required under R12-4-412. LIVE WILDLIFE. Species listed under 50 C.F.R. 3. You cant buy a bear straight away in a pet shop. Adopted effective April 28, 1989 (Supp. Common name: tilapia. 3. All species of the following families or genera of the order Squamata: a. 06-1). a. The falconer shall request a band no more than five consecutive days after the capture of a raptor by contacting the Department. A wildlife rehabilitation license is issued for the sole purpose of restoring and returning wildlife to the wild through rehabilitative services. A. C. A wildlife holding license is valid for the following purposes, only: 2. The cost of an exotic pet license in Florida varies depending on the type of animal you have. A standard license for an exotic pet costs $100, while a license for a dangerous animal costs $500. Exotic animal ownership is regulated in all 50 states. Size of waterbody proposed for stocking; c. Nearest river, stream, or other freshwater system; d. Points where water enters into each water body; e. Points where water leaves each water body; and. b. The license allows a person 18 years of age or older to conduct any of the following activities with live injured, disabled, orphaned or otherwise debilitated wildlife specified on the rehabilitation license: 3. So, can you own an exotic pet in Arizona? In addition to the requirements established under R12-4-409(I) and R12-4-428: a. The Department may provide information regarding where this is likely to occur. E. A person lawfully possessing a nonhuman primate that bit, scratched, or otherwise exposed a human to pathogenic organisms, as determined by the Department, shall ensure the primate is examined and laboratory tested for the presence of pathogens as follows: 1. F. A person applying for an aquatic wildlife stocking license shall submit an application to the Department. Common name: catfish. Game Bird Field Training Permit--Repealed. The person may appeal the denial to the Commission as prescribed under A.R.S. Proof of at least six months of experience performing wildlife rehabilitative work with an average of at least eight hours each week for the taxa or species of animal listed on the application; or. 6. GRANDFATHERING: Restricted live wildlife owned legally without permit before effective date of any amendment may continue to be possessed for that purpose (except propagation) if: Written notification is sent to regional office within 30 days OR documentation is maintained with name, address, phone number, number per species, purpose and unique identifier must be kept until disposal, Report birth or hatching of progeny conceived before and born after effective date, Disposes of only by export (bans exporting back), euthanasia, transfer to license holder (under conditions of that license), or as otherwise directed, Must permanently and uniquely mark the wildlife within 30 days if notification was sent to department or 30 days of departments request. Proof of current licensing by the United States Department of Agriculture under 9 C.F.R. 4. G. A zoo license holder or a person using nonhuman primates at a research facility, as defined under R12-4-401, possessing a primate that bit, scratched, or otherwise exposed a human to pathogenic organisms shall quarantine and test the primate in accordance with procedures approved by the Department. 2. Amended by final rulemaking at 7 A.A.R. Amended effective January 1, 1995; filed in the Office of the Secretary of State December 9, 1994 (Supp. 06-1). H. A person lawfully possessing a nonhuman primate is subject to the requirements established under R12-4-428. c. Installed in a manner that prevents the backup or accumulation of debris or sewage. 5. f. Ensures the carcasses of any wildlife that die while in transport through this state are disposed of only as directed by the Department. All animals housed in the same facility or within the same enclosed area shall be compatible and shall not pose a substantial threat to the health, life or well-being of any other animal in the same facility or enclosure, whether or not the other animals are held under a special license. Poultry is any exotic bird except psittacine and restricted species. Determine the appropriate species of raptor for possession by an apprentice; and. Ensure each shipment of captive pen-reared game birds imported into the state is accompanied by a health certificate. As a result, people in various parts of the state may experience a completely different set of emotions when it comes to owning an exotic pet. The reporting requirements are subject to change. In Arizona, there are no special regulations or permits required to own a Fennec fox. d. A captive pen-reared game bird released under a Game Bird Field Training license may be taken with any method designated under R12-4-304. 3186, effective August 30, 2003 (Supp. The application is furnished by the Department and is available at any Department office and online at From prohibiting funerals on Sundays to banning the sale of sperm, there are plenty of strange regulations to be found in Arizona. Are Buddhist monks legal in Arizona? The certification required under R12-4-409(C). Inform the Department in writing within five working days of any change in telephone number, area of service, or business hours or days. Subchapter A, Animal Welfare revised January 1, 2012, and no later amendments or editions, which is incorporated by reference. A person applying for a scientific collecting license shall provide the following information on the application: d. Department ID number; when applicable; 2. The wildlife service license becomes invalid if the annual report is not submitted to the Department by January 31 of each year. A person may possess restricted live wildlife taken alive under R12-4-404, R12-4-405, and R12-4-427, provided the person possesses the wildlife in compliance with those Sections. A statement of the applicant's training and experience in handling, capturing, rehabilitating, and caring for the taxa or species when the applicant is applying for a license to perform authorized activities with taxa or species of wildlife listed under subsection (C). 2813, effective December 5, 2015. Arizona licensed falconers importing raptors into Arizona shall have a health certificate issued no more than 30 consecutive days: 1. Suffice to say that penguins are definitely illegal to keep as pets in America.Jan 8, 2022, If you find a raccoon that has been domesticated or rehabilitated, they can be a loving and playful pet. A licensed falconer is prohibited from conducting any of the following activities with any wild-caught raptor protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act: 1. For the sole purpose described under subsection (A)(1) and proposes to possess more than 50 captive pen-reared game birds at any one time. You will need to provide your name, address, contact information for the agency that issued your license (if applicable), and proof of identification. The notice of condition shall be delivered to the special license holder by certified mail or personal service. 3225, effective January 1, 2014 (Supp. Once you have submitted all of the required information, the agency will process your application and send you a confirmation letter. Violate any provision of the special license that the person possesses, including any stipulations specified on the special license; 3. Can you keep a tiger as a pet in Yuma, Arizona? Authorize the person to engage in authorized activities using federally-protected wildlife, unless the person possesses a valid license, permit, or other form of documentation issued by the United States that authorizes the license holder to use that wildlife in a manner consistent with the special license. 3. E. In addition the standards established under subsection (C), a person shall ensure that all outdoor facilities meet the following minimum standard: 1. B. A falconer attempting to capture a raptor shall possess: a. Some counties have extremely strict laws, while others are much more gentle. Common name: bowfin. A zoo license allows a person to exhibit, export, euthanize, display for educational purposes, give away, import, offer for sale, possess, propagate, purchase, sell, or transport any lawfully possessed restricted and nonrestricted live wildlife. A falconer may possess feathers for imping from each species of raptor that the falconer currently possesses or has possessed. 06-1). A valid, current license issued by a state veterinary medical examination authority that authorizes the applicant to practice as a veterinarian; b. 5. The Department shall provide the written notice established under R12-4-409(F)(4) to the applicant stating the reason for the denial. The licensed veterinarian shall provide the laboratory results to the Department within 24 hours of receiving the results. 2. A person who possesses live wildlife or offspring of wildlife taken under this Section shall comply with the requirements prescribed under R12-4-425 if the wildlife becomes listed as restricted wildlife under R12-4-406. Kinkajous are legal in Texas and a few other states, such as New York and North Carolina. All species of the family Percidae. 2. b. Title 41, Chapter 6, Article 10. A General or Master falconer may capture a raptor that will be transferred to another licensed falconer who is not present at the capture site. 3. Getting your exotic pet registered isnt difficult. c. The applicant shall submit a copy of the certification to the Department prior to conducting any activities authorized under the license. Texas You might need a license to own a pet, depending on how dangerous your owl is. There may be local ordinances that prohibit ownership of axolotls, so its important to check with your municipality. 3186, effective August 30, 2003 (Supp. C. The Department shall issue a game bird hobby license in compliance with R12-4-106. b. The current holding facility has been sold or closed; b. Water shall be readily available and monitored at least once daily or more often when the needs of the animal dictate. Amended by final rulemaking at 19 A.A.R. 3186, effective August 30, 2003 (Supp. The application is furnished by the Department and is available at any Department office and on the Departments website. The statement shall also include the temporary possession period and activities the caretaker may conduct with the raptor. Bearing that in mind here are seven of the most unusual pets ever. Dog owners in the United States must keep one dog as a pet. Condition that required rehabilitation; vi. F. The wildlife rehabilitation license expires on the last day of the third December from the date of issuance. The rest is up to your state, county, or municipality. G. The license holder shall be responsible for compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements; the wildlife service license does not: H. 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