Nigeria, in the British scheme of things, was to play the role of a pilot test in neocolonialism. A major measure was taken in 1960 with the nationalization of the Misr Bank, the pivot of finance and industry in Egypt. Statized domestic trade went bankrupt and was largely ended by 1963. Its subjective aims have repeatedly been declared to be the construction of socialism. In the case of Angola, the neocolonialist margin of maneuver (up to now very uncertain and vague, probably more under North American than Portuguese inspiration) has been quite limited. For a whole series of reasons, both geographic and economic, it is most likely that Angola will prove to be the place where the Portuguese will decide to hang on to the end. An agricultural society of this kind may not experience the tragic conflicts of a capitalist society or a society in transition to capitalism, but it is condemned by and large to immobility and, in the final analysis, cannot avoid a whole series of imbalances following the finally inevitable breakup of the former equilibrium. Some of the militants and nuclei have already reached this conclusion, utilizing the criteria of Marxist analysis and adopting socialist conceptions. The neocolonialist operation envisages replacing apartheid rule by the granting of a few liberal political rights to narrow layers of the indigenous population. This means that it is necessary to envisage new expropriations in the industrial sector and the resolution of the problems of nationalization of credit and the commercialization of the products of the public sector. WebThe revolts which broke out at different times in isolated regions met with very harsh repression and were thus crushed. Thus another element must be included in the Algerian social stratification: a bureaucracy of the state, the government, the growing economic apparatus and the military apparatus, a bureaucracy that in reality enjoys a privileged share of the national income, even if the quantity is still modest, and that holds a position of strength in relation to the popular masses. The Fourth International holds that the unification of the FLNA with other existing forces (which the FLNA says it favors in principle) would prove profitable, naturally on condition that it be realized in the struggle, on the basis of a clear anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist program, without which the indispensable unity in the armed struggle would suffer. The most positive developments since the end of 1964 occurred among the workers in the self-managed sector and even in the state and private sectors-strikes against the employers and machinations of the bureaucrats, lively discussions, critical ferment, movements supporting the left wing, particularly in the trade-union congresses. (d) The problem of sources of accumulation is often complicated by the existence of very large, even preponderant zones of a subsistence economy and, more generally, structures involving stagnation in production. If there is an intransigent wing that wants to go all the way and reject an equivocal solution (Mulele), there is also another tendency, represented at the top and even in some sectors of the combat forces (for example, Gbenye), that is willing to accept a moderate neocolonialist solution in the final analysis. To achieve their selfish economic and political interests, the rapacious colonizers deliberately distorted and grossly misinterpreted The hopes of those who thought that acts of sabotage would be sufficient to set off the powder keg have proved to be unjustified. First Published: Spring 1966 Finally, very large foreign properties remain (mines, for example) and American capital owns the Valco Company project for the exploitation of aluminum, which is linked in turn to the success of the Volta River project. However, the OAU was conceived with the objective of self-preservation by most of the governments belonging to it; that is why it has suffered setbacks and is now going through a crisis which could reduce it to a formula without any real content. With regard to the social classes and layers more specifically-the landed proprietors, the native bourgeoisie, the shopkeepers and other petty-bourgeois strata; i.e., all those who had already been hit or who considered themselves threatened by the regime-these continued to remain hostile despite the prolonged lull in the revolutionary process. During the first phase of its independence, Guinea played a vanguard role in Africa. The platform of the revolutionary left trying to work for the triumph of an orientation corresponding to the fundamental necessities of the revolution must begin from this. This general outline is sufficient to show that criticizing the prolonged pause of the revolution did not signify indulging in revolutionary phrase-mongering but was based on recognizing that in the absence of fresh measures breaking things UP, a situation was crystallizing in which capitalist-bourgeois relations, including the presence of foreign capital, remained preponderant. It is true that in international politics and in Africa, Ghana has often taken really progressive attitudes and the structural changes noted above are not negligible. But the situation was complicated by the fusion of Zanzibar and Tanganyika which, at least at this stage, had the aim and in part the result of putting a brake on the Zanzibar movement.). Nevertheless it goes without saying that the conservative forces, the national bourgeoisie, the neocolonialist can prevail thanks to a given relationship of forces. His inability to stabilize his positions to any extent, the rapid resumption of inflation, his encounters with Kasavubu and the Bakonsro tribal forces led to his downfall. Web16641670: Magnate conspiracy: The Zrinski, Wesselnyi and Frankopan uprising against the Habsburgs. This specification is imperative in the more general case of the fundamental problem of the alliance with the peasant masses who constitute the overwhelming majority of the population and who are quite variegated socially (extending from agricultural laborers on the plantations to the classical poor peasants and serfs of the feudal zones). Although certain nuclei of the FLN, including the tops, were aware of the problem in theory, the bureaucracy developed and became relatively crystallized. The MPLA (Peoples Movement of Angolan Liberation) succeeded during 1964 in establishing a base in the enclave of Cabinda where contingents of the FLNA were already in existence. It is not denied that social differentiations can come about (by the formation, for example, of commercial layers and bureaucratic layers detached from the masses), but it is held that the fundamental dynamic is counteracting these tendencies. The gravity of the general economic situation, the extensiveness of smuggling, the wide speculation in money led to the new measures in November 1964 (re-issuing of commercial licenses, checking of the wealth of party functionaries and officials, capital punishment for illegal trade, etc. 2, Spring 1966, pp. In the economic field, the relative isolation imposed by imperialism in the first phase cost the country dearly-a monetary crisis was accompanied by a crisis or by stagnation in production. In the field of international relations, Guinea signed agreements with the USSR, China and other workers states and became one of the main spokesmen of revolutionary Africa and African unity. The Congo offers in concentrated form the multiple contradictions of an Africa in upheaval in the process of emancipation. The Nasserite movement was reorganized. Egypt differs markedly from the other African countries, having a much more advanced economic structure in which the specific weight of the industrial sector has grown considerably. Certain measures, although isolated ones for the time beingfor example, the return of the Norcolor factory to the former ownersbode ill for the future. (b) The armed struggle inside Angolawhich is being conducted especially by forces of peasant social compositionis being organized essentially by the FLNA, which represents the base of the GRAE. The Malian leadership adopted a line rigorously favoring a mixed and planned economy. (f) As backward countries furnishing raw materials, almost all the African countries participate in the capitalist market under unfavorable conditions and suffer the exploitation inherent in economic relations of this kind, even leaving aside the steep conjunctural drops in the prices of raw materials which sometimes affects the balance of trade, financial reserves, etc. The former French colonies are, together with Nigeria, the main links in the neocolonial system of West Africa. In South Africa in particular the Trotskyist movement has a long tradition going back thirty years; it has many cadres tempered in a struggle that has been marked by an especially harsh repression; it has been able to win a place in the front ranks of the anti-imperialist organizations; and it has worked out, with the aid of the International, a correct line of armed insurrection based on the peasant masses. MIA: History: ETOL: Documents: FI: USFI: 1963-1985: The Progress and Problems of the African Revolution. It is necessary to add however that in countries where a considerable communal sector exists, the revolutionary process will unfold in very specific forms; and it will probably be possible to a-void the conflicts and difficulties that are inevitable in countries of different historical formation and different agricultural structure. Finally there has been the obstacle of the struggles within the national movement and its cleavages, the alternating positions taken by certain African states and the rather heavy intervention of the Soviet bureaucracy, which participated in the effort to discredit the GRAE (Revolutionary Government of Angola in Exile) and the FLNA (Angolan National Liberation Front). It signifies an ever greater subordination of the masses to whom will be applied the proposed guidelines for discipline and austerity. (b) The existence of a relatively substantial nucleus of an indigenous ruling class in comparison with other African countries. In these instances, the problems of a consistent line of struggle, of active mobilization of the masses, above all the peasant masses, of careful delimitation with regard to forces committed to questionable platforms, are posed in a particularly sharp and urgent form. It is obvious that quite particular tasks are posed in Algeria and Egypt as indicated above. WebThe narrative of the Chinese Revolution circulated among European literati was adopted for the theatre and the visual arts and became instrumental for various different scholarly, religious and aesthetic purposes. (b) During the Ben Bella period, the functioning of the party and the leading bodies of the state were certainly not guided by the criterion of revolutionary democracy; and the way the new crew came to power was such as to still further reduce their role, to increase the distrust and skepticism of the masses, and to further restrict the participation of broad sectors from political life. Parallel to this, the ideological evolution of Arab socialism became noticeably more anti-capitalist. In the picture as a whole, the official scientific socialist ideology has no correspondence with the reality. The right wing of this bureaucracy is trying, in a more or less conscious way to consolidate a neocolonial type regime. No doubt particular diplomatic or tactical considerations have come into play most often, taking precedence over an analysis of the actual forces, the relationship of forces and the dynamics of the movement. (e) The splintering of Africa into often very small states involves complex problems both on the plane of normal economic functioning (limited resources, too narrow markets, etc.) In actuality, where an osmosis is not occurring between the political rulers and the owning layers in which certain privileges cannot be, or cannot yet be, legalized and consolidated (particularly because it would be politically inopportune), the illegal avenues and a hypocritical cover constitute an almost obligatory variant. The only feasible solution is to defeat not only Tshombe, Kasavubu and Mobutu, but especially the domestic and international forces behind them. WebAsia) and to Africa, where I spent two and a half months at the very beginning of last year. The defeat of colonialismwhich would be the result in any case of a broad mass mobilization, particularly the peasant masseswould create a political and social vacuum that would strongly stimulate the anti-capitalist dynamics of the process. The problem is particularly serious for the collective self-managed sector since the private sector is specially interestedmore from the political and social angle than the economicin bringing it into difficulty. This contribution was highly original as it covered a range of hitherto neglected sources. The countries of Africa in revolutionary transformation are not yet differentiated from the countries of neocolonial Africa in the field of economic structure and social base. In any case what is most important is that no major victory can be gained without mobilizing the masses, without big struggles, including armed struggles in particular, and without substantial material aid from the progressive African states and the workers states. Their attitudes thus cannot be taken as a reliable criterion. Nevertheless, the possibility of success cannot be ruled out, particularly if certain conditions were fulfilled. This involves maintaining a high ground rent collected by private proprietors. WebIT has contributed to political change in liberal democracies and one-party dominant states alike and will play a large role in any political transitions that occur in wired countries. On the contrary, insofar as it inclines to express any line, the regime seems to envisage a reorientation on the basis of existing structures without undertaking any new deep-going agrarian reform, or envisaging any reduction of the private industrial sector, or any cutting loose from the monetary and financial tutelage of the French. In November 1964 handicraft diamond operations were banned. Thus the second stage of the revolution opened, featured by a dynamics tending to cross over to socialism. Following a protracted development of grave contradictions (among other things different and even opposing attitudes towards the Evian agreement) topped by the urgency of the problems in the political and economic vacuum that appeared at the end of the colonial domination due to well-known conditions, the FLN burst into fragments with the breakup of the government and the division of the military forces. Companies have been set up that belong completely to the state or in which the state holds the majority of shares (ENCON, SEMA, RTM, SOENA, etc.). The recent explosion in Casablanca foreshadows the grave conflicts now maturing. In certain situations of confusion and general deficiencies, this Bonapartism was able in the past to play a positive role objectively, particularly when the Bonapartist action, in conjunction with the movement of the masses, broke the conservative resistance. In other words, these layers of the people are supposed to represent the historic equivalent of the proletariat. Africa today is the scene of conflict among social forces and political tendencies, which, while retaining their marked specific features, are part and parcel of the dynamics of the contemporary world. In any case the task of the revolutionary forces at the present stage is to struggle in such a way that Verwoerds possible downfall would involve the unleashing of a process of permanent revolution and not the reorganization of the country on a neocolonial basis. Sub-Saharan Africa In the long run, it could only be risky and of benefit in particular to the conservative bureaucratic forces. Following all the measures of expropriation and reorganization directed against the sectors of foreign capitalism, the economic and social reality of the country presents the following picture: The agricultural sector continues to play an absolutely predominant role with a considerable percentage of subsistence economy and a virtual monoculture of cocoa. Egyptian society is thus in a process of transformation that raises the question of its fundamental class nature. At the same time the complete failure to apply the March decrees, bureaucratic maladministration, the delays in the distribution of bonuses, sowed some demoralization even among the layers of agricultural workers in the self-managed sector, who were main beneficiaries of the revolutionary measures of 1963. And a big part of the agrarian economy is stagnating at the subsistence level. AAP. In the economic field, the new regime envisaged economic planning and a considerable rise in the rate of accumulation, asserted the primacy of the public sector, represented by nationalized industries the construction of which was projected by the State Bank, by the Guinean Department of Foreign Trade (an export-import company whose aim was to assure an extensive state monopoly of foreign trade) and by the Guinean Department of Domestic Trade whose aim was to control domestic trade. In such a situation the single party is an instrument par excellence of political control and repression. It would likewise be an error to leave out of consideration the fact that after splitting from the MPLA, a series of vanguard elements with a Marxist education and having a quite left orientation have entered the FLNA. However, the liberal sectors in particular sought to draw advantage from acts of violence conducted in distinct separation from a broad mass movement. Guinea is a neocolonial state in the sense that foreign companies draw profits from it, that international and indigenous merchants take a commercial profit-often exorbitant-that raw materials flow to the world market under the well-known disadvantageous conditions, involving the collection of surplus value by international capital in this form, too. The backbone of the independent regime is the single US-RDA party, led by cadres with a trade-union and Marxist education (insofar as an education acquired in the circles of the French Communist Party can be called Marxist), who have adopted democratic centralism and elaborated an indigenous version of Marxism. The (d) On the economic level in general, a mixed economy was envisaged in which the public sectorgovernment operated or self-managedwas conceived as coming to be the most dynamic, the specific weight of the private sector being gradually limited. At the same time the inescapable need to go beyond the frontiers of the national states becomes ever clearer. In Morocco the task of the conservatives is more difficult due to the fact that a rather large working class exists there, concentrated and organized, while power is held by a leadership, the prestige of which does not derive from any participation in the struggle for independence. The The prevailing disorder, particularly in the economic structure was taken by a bureaucratic tendency rooted in the economic, governmental and administrative machines as the basis for driving for centralist solutions and abandoning or at least rigorously restricting the experience of workers self-management which it considered to be a failure, an element of disintegration and chaos and even a luxury that the country could not afford. Thanks to a brutal and cynical policy, which does not bother about any camouflage and completely accepts the logic of a war of extermination, conducted particularly by foreign mercenaries, Tshombe reconquered some positions; but only partial successes are involved. The nineteenth and the twentieth centuries in East Asia are known as a time of rapid change. In an independent Angolan state, the specific weight of the masses, the peasant masses in the first place, would be determining and the masses would be pushed from the first phases to translate their victory into economic and social terms. Significantly, the 1960 measures included a major exception in favor of the mining companies, the insurance companies, the air and maritime transport companies and the banks. The opposition, extending from the most moderate positions among the enlightened sectors of the upper layers to the armed resistance of sectors of the people, primarily peasants, is even expressed in organized forms. The multiple functions and omnipresent activity of Ben Bella by themselves stamped and symbolized the Bonapartist concentration. Of course this does not mean that the situation is completely static. Course/Section: Assignment 4 (Intellectual Revolution) Instructions: Aside from the 3 intellectual revolutions discussed in this section, other intellectual revolutions also took place across history in many parts of the world, such as in North America, Asia, Middle East, and Africa. As a result of the events at the end of 1964, the struggle has become explosive for imperialism and neocolonialism, and, in short, more to the advantage of the revolutionary forces that have sprung up in different zones of the country. In Cuba, on the other hand, the deep-going mass revolution assured the stability of the revolutionary measures. In Mali and Guinea, for example, the overturn brought about by the campaigns to defeat the traditional chiefs helped and enormously stimulated the struggle for independence, but at the crucial moments, the fundamental support came from other sectors (radicalized urban petty bourgeoisie, wage workers, plebian masses). This was not in contradiction to the successes won by the regime in its struggle against the open and illegal opposition. Does this mean that the creation of a workers state has occurred? The most significant experiences up to now have been those of Ghana, Mali, Guinea, Egypt, Zanzibar and the Algerian Revolution. In addition in Ghana there is a bureaucracy of the state and the party which is guaranteed substantial privileges, corruption in office being included. Such a development would inevitably generate a crisis in the present ruling group by creating differentiations among them which would facilitate the formation of a new alternative leadership. (d) The attitudes of certain African states, including the more progressive, or those considered to be more progressive, have changed position on the Angolan national movement abruptly at times and without clear explanation. 2. Nasser had no way out but to widen considerably the state sector and to attempt to consolidate his position by winning mass support. The result of this has been that not only has no step been taken to get out of the existing blind alley but that workers self-management is threatened more than ever. (c) In the sector of gas and oil not to accept the perspective of a crystallization of the In any case it is clear that in the final analysis the social nature of the ruling layer of Mali will be determined by its concrete content; i.e., the kind of relations of production and social stratification which it objectively maintains and consolidates. For this reason it is insufficient to take a position in favor of armed struggle. This has meant stagnation in means for investment. If, in a stage of overturn, the relative rise of percentages is more important than the absolute figures, in a static period it is the absolute proportions that represent the decisive criterion. The program of struggle must place on the agenda the expropriation of international capital and whatever native appendages it has, a radical agrarian reform, and a struggle against the privileges of the bureaucratic summits of the state apparatus and the bourgeoisie of bureaucratic origin. A certain limited development, quite artificial in nature, has affected only very thin layers in the towns. The African revolution as a whole is developing against the background of enormous revolutionary developments on a world scale, the lessons of which have been absorbed in an elemental way by the masses throughout the continent. The dynamics of the African revolution are thus in all respects the dynamics of permanent revolution. A centralizing and unifying struggle against tribal limitations has a progressive meaning, of course, only if it avoids any repressive or administrative measures and is not a hypocritical cover for domination by a particular tribe. (g) A gamut of groups and reactionary forces well disposed toward the coup detat, raised their heads, at times expressing warm support to the new regime and developing a rather explicit restorationist offensive. Here are some of the other notable developments concerning Russia's war in Ukraine on Wednesday, April 5:. The dominant feature in recent years has been the aggravation of national and economic oppression imposed on the indigenous population of South Africa by apartheid rule. If, in principle, such factors will not die away until after the progressive dissolution of the old structures and the penetration of modern economic forms (industrialization, spread of the means of rapid transportation, etc. Nevertheless, while acknowledging their approximate and provisional nature, it is possible to take the fundamental tendencies and common or analogous elements and place them in definite categories or groups. The feudal class welded together around the Negus and his family aims at consolidating its position through an alliance with foreign capital. WebFreedom can only be real when national independence is coupled with a social and economic revolution carried out in the interests of the masses of the people. In other words, African reconstruction requires access to resources such as could be provided by workers states in the industrialized countries of Western Europe and North America. A neocolonialist and liberal wing can, it is obvious, conclude that in the complete absence of any legal avenues at all it is necessary to fight Verwoerd by means of armed actions, yet its basic orientation would remain fundamentally opposed to that of a mass revolutionary movement. However thanks to the Cocoa Marketing Board, the domination of foreign middlemen has been broken and the government now buys the cocoa beans from the producers at a stable price for a whole period and sells them on the world market itself. the African revolutionists and even by certain moderates, and vast regions are the scene of a ferocious war, the current situation being due just as much to foreign intervention as to the limitations and internal conflicts of the forces on the scene. The most concentrated proletarian forcein the Katanga minescould play no role because of the pressure brought to bear by the whole colonialist and Tshombist machine. (e) To apply a radical agrarian reform in the sectors not touched by previous measures, by expropriating the big Algerian proprietors, introducing rigorous limits on the right to own land, banning the free buying and selling of land, reorganizing the traditional agriculture on a cooperative basis and modernizing it. Explanation: For centuries the peoples of Africa were subjected to exploitation and robbery by the capitalist maritime nations of western Europe and other Hence the very sharp character of the social and political conflicts, the much clearer differentiations, including those in the ranks of the opposition, and the violence and repression employed by the regime where the king remains the pivot although his authority has been weakened. In the countryside measures of a cooperative type were advocated. 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